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22 jun

Virtual Consultations MLA Initiative

On the 22nd and 23rd of June 2021 the first round of Virtual Consultations will take place. During these consultations States representatives as well as representatives from International Organizations and Civil Society will have the opportunity to advise and take part in discussions on the Draft Convention MLA initiative.


Anyone interested in participating in these consultations is kindly asked to register at
Here you will also find more information on the Virtual consultations as well as all the written comments the Core Group MLA initiative is able to share at this time.


  • Draft Convention MLA initiative, April 2021
    • English: Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes
    • Español: Convención de Cooperación Internacional en la Investigación y el Enjuiciamiento del Crimen de Genocidio, los Crímenes de lesa Humanidad y los Crímenes de Guerra
    • Français: Convention pour la coopération internationale en matière d’enquête et de poursuite du crime de génocide, des crimes contre l’humanité et des crimes de guerre
  • Two-pager MLA initiative, April 2021

See also

MLA Initiative