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Diplomatic Conference - postponed until further notice

Agenda | 8 juni 2020 | Ljubljana, Slovenia

Formal negotiations for a Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes

Note Verbale

Document | 17 januari 2020

Bestand: docx - 12.7KB

List of supporting States

Document | 10 november 2022

Bestand: pdf - 553.2KB

Written comments of NGOs on draft treaty 2020

Commentaar | 24 september 2020

Bestand: pdf - 184.5KB

Written comments of Austria on the Draft Treaty 2020

Commentaar | 30 september 2020

Bestand: pdf - 482.2KB

Written comments of Austria on data protection on Draft Convention 2020

Commentaar | 30 september 2020

Bestand: pdf - 70.3KB

Written comments of Austria on Swiss proposal in Draft Convention 2020

Commentaar | 30 september 2020

Bestand: pdf - 528.1KB

Written comments of Czech Republic on the Draft Convention 2020

Commentaar | 20 maart 2020

Bestand: pdf - 139.8KB